by Jean Saunders, HSC School Wellness Director
In a recent article about the School Nutrition Association's annual conference at McCormick Place in Chicago last week, "Catering to schools' desire to slim down," the Chicago Tribune reports that the “food service industry [is] eager to get piece of lucrative lunch business" and that the industry is courting schools with healthy new snack and lunch offerings.
According the School Nutrition Association’s weekly electronic magazine, “Good food and healthy eating were on the menu” at the conference.
We're excited to see that more and more food manufacturers are taking up the challenge of creating products for school-aged children which contain less fat, sugar and sodium than many of the products currently on the market.
Like it or not, food companies are experts at marketing their products to children. Targeting more healthful products for the school market is an important step in improving the food choices that students have at school.