by Rochelle Davis, HSC Founding Executive Director
Beginning on May 17, The Washington Post launched an extensive five-day series on childhood obesity.
The series explores the issue of childhood obesity from many perspectives, ranging from the latest medical research to public health information, efforts to address the problem, and policy solutions including responses from Senators Clinton, McCain and Obama. A number of stories in the series discuss the role of schools in addressing childhood obesity.
One of the articles quotes acting U.S. Surgeon General Steven Galson, who labels childhood obesity nothing less than "a national catastrophe." The article goes on to document the alarming fact that if the obesity epidemic is left unchecked, obesity related illness will cause this generation of children to be the first to live less healthy lives and to die younger than the previous generation.
We commend The Washington Post for giving this issue such serious and comprehensive treatment and encourage you to take a look at the series of articles. Click here to view the series. (A free registration to the Washington Post is required.)