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January 30, 2009


Caryn Kusleika

I would love to see the evidence behind these claims "additives of colors and preservatives common in lunchroom food hinder a child's ability to learn. In addition, the abundance of high fructose corn syrup in lunches and snacks has been shown to have a direct link to the attention deficit disorder epidemic."

Can you please let me know what references your using? Thanks, Caryn Kusleika, RD


Hi Caryn,
Thanks for your question! Just to clarify –- the points about food additives and corn syrup aren’t part of HSC’s analysis here but rather are Sam Kass’ comments, part of a talk that he gave last summer at a Hull House event called “Rethinking Soup.” We included them here – along with most of his talk – to share background on his approach to school food. The original New York Times blog that we cited notes that “the medical community remains divided” on the specific points Kass made about additives. You can find more details about that debate in a link from the NYT blog, http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/01/29/new-white-house-chef-skewers-school-lunches.
Hope that helps!

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