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February 06, 2009



Like clockwork, at 3:30 every day, I get the same question, "Can we have a snack?" Yesterday,my response was sliced apples with peanut butter for dipping. It was a bit hit with the two 11 year old boys at my house.


Great idea with the yogurt and frozen fruit, I must try it out! My favorite healthy snack growing up (and even today!) are those natural fruit roll-ups and fruit leathers. Healthy, delicious and sweet.


That's probably the cutest blog in the history of HSC.

Susannah Fuchs

oh Mark, he is so cute. And not a surprise, of course, that he likes the "healthy" ice cream, since you like spinach for a special snack!


Well, we're all a bit more flexible with our kids, but I think we're doing pretty well with H...

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