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May 07, 2009


Phyllis Pelt

Student Chefs Ruiz, Alvaro Aguilar, Marquice Kent, Mike Martinez, Emmanuel Sandoval and Jose Tena , we are so very proud of you. Truly you "represented" in a way that speakd volumes to us all. I tasted the lunch you created weeks ago at an executive board meeting and thought it was the best school lunch I had ever had. Actually it tasted better then food I have eaten in some restaurants. You are a timely inspiration and it is my hope and expectation that you eill keep up the good work. Many Blessings. Phyllis Pelt, HSC Board Member

Phyllis Pelt

Oops - please excuse mis spelled words - speakd should be speaks and eill should be will. Sorry. Phyllis Pelt

Eat Smart Age Smart

It's a threat to our society that obesity is increasing within the children due to the consumption of junk foods. This is a great move by the Chicago high school student. I appreciate this effort from the bottom of my heart and believe that other schools should also come up with new and innovative ideas to prevent obesity among the children.

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