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December 02, 2009


Phyllis Pelt, RN, Certificated School Nurse

Thanks Mark for making this " fat" connection and alerting those of us who are out there encouraging students to " be all that they can be."

Tim Lillard

I like your ideas for the Child Nutrition Act just as I like the ideas behind the 1995 revision of the National School Lunch Program (see 7 CFR Ch. II (1–1–09 Edition)), but they both lack one essential ingredient: enforcement. This act will never accomplish anything if it doesn't force schools to actually meet guidelines for sufficient nutrients and for reducing saturated fats, sodium and SUGAR - the most obvious item to reduce and one you don't mention. Without ever having to pay a penalty -i.e., give back the money received for subsidized meals - for not meeting the act's guidelines, they are mere suggestions and not requirements, and will accomplish just as much as the current National School Lunch Program, which is to say, nothing.

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