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April 12, 2010



GrassRoots campaigning is where its at!
Just to reiterate- Make sure your school district has a functioning and organized Wellness Committee. I discovered my district did not. And so now working to mobilize parents, city government, the school board and local community to finally set one up! I think once that is functioning we can work towards creating policies that will help improve nutrition, education and physical activity!
Thank you Healthy Schools Campaign for being a fountain of information!
Long live the Food Revolution!



I am taking pictures of every meal that my children consume at school from now until the end of the school year and making suggestions on what could be improved and hope to inform and possibly enrage other parents. I have also invited our school districts Food and Nutrition Services director to come have lunch with me at the school to discuss the lunch program. She has accepted which is no small feat since our district services over 65 THOUSAND students a day. I don't know what I am going to do or say, but hopefully the answer will come to me.


Thank you Mark Bishop for putting into words what many parents have most likely been thinking since the Jamie Oliver series started! What do we do now? Not only do we need to continually contact our government officials, we must set examples at home. Are we? Are we preparing fresh, non-processed meals for our families and providing healthful snacks? If school lunches aren't meeting YOUR standards, pack a healthy lunch and explain why to the stakeholders. If revenues start to change, someone will notice in a hurry. It’s field trip season, let’s be sure we continue practicing healthy eating while our students are traveling this spring too. Thank you again Mark and HSC for what you do!


Great letter to Jamie Oliver. I hope he puts some of these ideas into action.

Bess C.

Excellently put Mark! I joined Jamie's revolution as you did and felt the same way. Let's hope he reads your letter and acts on it!

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