Today we're featuring a guest blog by Jovita Flores, HSC project coordinator for Parents United for Healthy Schools/Padres Unidos para Escuelas Saludables. She regularly shares recipes with parents through her popular series of healthy cooking classes. One participant described Jovita's cooking classes as "more like a leadership class, unlike any nutrition class you know." Participants are empowered to create their own healthy recipes, help their families develop healthy habits and, ultimately, step forward to lead healthy change in neighborhood schools. We're thrilled to feature a recipe with such a lovely story, a recipe that you can add to your own family traditions!
By Jovita Flores, Parents United for Healthy Schools/Padres Unidos para Escuelas Saludables
This is a recipe that's perfect for a hot day after school. It is a recipe my mother often made when I was a student in Mexico as an after-school snack after a warm day. As a young student, it was always nice to come home from school and eat something refreshing and tasty. My mom would always greet my siblings and me after school with a fresh salad of jicama and orange. Jicama is a popular dietary staple in Latin America and widely grown in Mexico. It is a crispy, sweet, edible root that resembles a turnip in physical appearance. I’m sure you too will appreciate this delicious and refreshing snack.
Ingredientes / Ingredients
- 2 tazas de jícama pelada y cortada en cubitos. 2 cups of peeled and cubed jicama
- 2 naranjas peladas y en ½ de gajos. 2 oranges peeled and sectioned
- 1/8 de cucharadita de sal .1/8 teaspoon salt
- Jugo de 1 lima. Juice of 1 lime
- 1/4 de cucharadita de chile de árbol. 1/8 teaspoon of crushed pepper
- ½ de cucharadita de orégano seco. ½ teaspoon of oregano
Direcciones / Directions
- Combine en un tazón grande la jícama, las naranjas, 1/8 de cucharadita de sal, jugo de lima y el oregano. Combine in large bowl jicama, oranges, 1 / 8 teaspoon salt, lime juice and oregano .
- Espolvoreé el chile a la mezcla de jícama y, revuela y sirva. Stir in shrimp jicama mixture, stir and serve
Thanks to Jovita for this great recipe!