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January 20, 2011


Marc Thibault

It is easy to anticipate the response from Beyond Pesticide's survey ... Yes, people want antimicrobial hand soap but they would reject it if it were poison (I share your skepticism for polls).
So in a way, the most interesting question asked is this one : "Are you aware that there are antibacterial cleansers/sanitizers on the market without toxic ingredients?" Of course they don't know : triclosan based products still manage to get a 99.9% market share.
My question to you and all the NGOs working to eliminate environmental health hazards from our daily lives is this one: when will you start mentioning safe alternatives to toxic chemicals by name?

garden designer essex

This is awful. I was watching commercials about soaps with triclosan ingredient. The ad stated that such soap kills 99.9% of germs. People are on their two shoes because of this information.

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