When you go to school, what do you see? The 21st Century School Fund, Critical Exposure and Healthy Schools Campaign are pleased to announce Through Your Lens, a national photo and essay contest designed to showcase the mostly unseen reality of our nation’s school building conditions.
The contest opens Feb. 1, 2011: now is a great time to begin thinking about your ideas or even taking photos for the competition.
It’s also a great time to think about others who may be interested in sharing their views: do you know photography or journalism teachers who could share the contest with their classes? Student advocates who would be interested in sharing their perspectives?
Students, teachers, parents and community members are invited to share photos and stories of their schools – the parts they are proud of and the parts they want to change – from Feb. 1 through Feb. 22, 2011.
Contest submissions will be shared with elected leaders as part of the dialogue on the role of safe, healthy school buildings in supporting learning and student achievement. Selected photos and stories will be displayed at a special exhibition in Washington, DC and many more entries will be published in a Through Your Lens book and online gallery.
Save the date for Through Your Lens 2011!
You can learn more and see images from the 2009-2010 contest at www.throughyourlens.org.
Plus: Check out coverage of Through Your Lens in Slate magazine »