Spread the word! Through Your Lens, a national photo and essay contest showcasing often-unseen views of our nation's school buildings, opens on February 1. We're proud to present the contest for the second time in partnership with the 21st Century School Fund and Critical Exposure.
The first contest received entries from around the country, showcasing aspects of school buildings that participants were proud of and things that they'd like to see changed.The images were published in an online gallery and in a book; they were also shown at a special exhibit on Capitol Hill. Seen together, the mix of images highlights the tremendous disparity in school conditions within our country.
One participant wrote:
[Through Your Lens] showed me how this country has neglected what matters most -- the education of its children. Some of those pictures of the deteriorating buildings were absolutely unbelievable... I kept asking, 'How can this be America?'... Our schools look nothing like those in the book. It was eye-opening.
The upcoming contest presents an opportunity for students, teachers and others with a view of schools to open more eyes to the reality of our nation's school conditions. If you are interested in submitting photos or stories, now is a great time to begin taking pictures and telling others about the contest!
You can learn more and see images from the last contest at www.throughyourlens.org.
Plus: Check out coverage of Through Your Lens in Slate magazine »