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August 08, 2011


Thaxton Marshall

When we were seniors in high school, we got our daily dose of physical activity by playing Hantis when we completed our work for class. Hantis is a fun game that was INVENTED in a classroom and can be replicated in any school. It requires any four tables and one ball. Hantis can be played in groups from 4 students to the entire class and it is rotational & non-competitive so that all students have a chance to play and have fun. It teaches students teamwork, hand-eye coordination, and gets them excited about moving because the game is a blast. Our team at Hantis.net is trying to get students across the nation playing our game as a response to the childhood obesity epidemic, giving them something that they can move around with, even in small spaces such as classrooms. There is no better way to get kids moving in class than Hantis because it was designed by students for that very reason.

Teachers can use this page as a resource: http://www.hantis.net/startplaying/explained.htm

If you have YouTube at your school, you can watch Hantis 101 - PE Edition in higher quality: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zbvZE9Pbcg


outdoor playground equipment

Good blog..It requires any four tables and one ball. H antis can be played in groups from 4 students to the entire class and it is rotational & non-competitive so that all students have a chance to play and have fun...

Tim Wilson

I think more physical education in the classroom is a great idea. Throw in oral health, and a few more practical things like filing taxes, or keeping a budget and you've got yourself some fabulous education.

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