Earlier this summer, we teamed up with 1 World Sports and Chicago Public Schools to host Champions for Wellness, a professional development event for physical education teachers.
Cornell McClellan, personal trainer to the First Family of United States of America and member of the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition called PE teachers to action at the event and announced the Presidential Active Lifestyle Awards challenge in Chicago. McClellan said it best when he said, “PE teachers are natural champions for wellness.”
This video spotlights Fuller Elementary PE teacher Mable Askew’s excitement to be a part of the movement.
PE teachers contribute a wealth of knowledge beyond the stereotypes they encounter of dodge ball and traditional "gym class." Physical education supports students in building social skills such as teamwork and self-esteem, teaches children about health and development and contributes to their fitness and overall health. Research also documents the many ways in which physical education and physical activity boost students' readiness to learn and succeed academically.
As Chicago participates in the PALA challenge, we are excited to see so many individuals in the school community -- including many PE teachers -- take on a leadership role to answer First Lady Michelle Obama’s call to reverse the childhood obesity trend.
As this Fuller Elementary PE teacher exclaims, “Stay Fit!”
If you would like to join in the PALA Challenge with Chicago schools, you can sign up with 1WORLD Sports. Not in Chicago? You can sign up through the national registration.
Bonus! Chicago's PALA kick-off was featured on ABC Chicago! The event featured Chicago Fire president Julian Posada along with our partners 1WORLD Sports and Aetna. You can also view pictures of the event on our Facebook page.