Last week, we shared students' perspectives on school food and fitness. The value that health and wellness add to student success and education is tangible: health and wellness programs better prepare students to learn, fueling their potential. And as we continue to see, children are excited to be a part of a national movement.
Chicago supports First Lady Michelle Obama’s campaign to reverse childhood obesity through the Go for the Gold initiative and the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award challenge.
Students whose schools were recognized for achieving the HealthierUS School Challenge this year wanted to share a message with the First Lady and the rest of country! Check out their ideas in this video:
What message regarding health and wellness would you like to send to our nation?
If you would like to join in the PALA Challenge with Chicago schools, you can sign up with 1WORLD Sports. Not in Chicago? You can sign up through the national registration site.
To learn more about Go for the Gold, visit the Go for the Gold site or check out blog updates.
Plus! If you're in the Chicago area, you can support Go for the Gold when you shop at Dominick's this month -- or can volunteer to help out! Learn how you can make a difference.