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October 17, 2011


Sandy McKelvey

Haldane's 4th grade class visits Glynwood to kick-off the 2011-12 Chef in the Classroom

On Thursday, September 22nd, Mrs. Hartford's 4th grade class visited Glynwood farm to experience first-hand where their food comes from. This was a special event to kick-off the Chef in the Classroom program for the new school year.

As the students got off the bus, they were greeted by farm educator, Carolyn Llewellyn. She led them into the demonstration garden and pointed out all the different vegetables and herbs that were growing and ready to harvest. With wicker baskets in hand, the students picked cherry tomatoes, chives, purple basil, rosemary and cabbage.

Next, they went into the CSA garden and picked kale and sungold tomatoes. After that, they had the rare opportunity to visit a mobile henhouse where each student was allowed to pick their very own egg.

Unlike a traditional henhouse, a mobile henhouse sits on wheels in an open field. The chickens spend most of their time outdoors – free to roam in a large fenced in area. Every few weeks the henhouse is moved to a different field. This process benefits both the chickens and the fields. The chickens benefit from a diet rich in vegetation and insects. And the fields are fertilized with their manure.

After the students collected all their ingredients, they headed up to the big red barn where Mark and Sunny Gandara had already set up their mobile kitchen. The kids sat on haystacks and helped prepare frittatas made with all the ingredients they had just picked. Everyone got a chance to crack an egg, stir in some herbs or sprinkle on a little cheese. And in under an hour, the kids were devouring their frittatas and begging for more!

Did they like it?? After every Chef in the Classroom program, the students are asked to name their dish. This is what they came up with:

Fabulous, Amazing, Delicious, Scrumptious, Fantastic, Wonderful Frittata!

The cafeteria will be serving this dish next Thursday, October 6th. Mark your calendars. Your kids won't want to miss this one.

For news about Farm to School in the Hudson Valley New York, visit:


Thanks for sharing this story -- it's great to hear about your program!

Peter Switzer

Teaching agriculture to young, primary school students opens them to understanding how things grow, live and die. From flowers to potatoes, from cows and pigs to tractors and soil, teaching students about farming and gardening introduces knowledge about how, for example, food gets onto their tables, clothes get onto store shelves, and seeds germinate. Starting agricultural education at a young age helps children get perspective on their lives and the world around them

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