Chicago Public Schools recently began serving scratch-cooked chicken, purchased unprocessed from the USDA and an Amish farm in nearby Indiana where the poultry is raised without antibiotics. Earlier this month, HSC took part in a teleconference with the Pew Campaign on Human Health and Industrial Farming, School Food FOCUS, Chartwells-Thompson Hospitality and Whole Foods to announce the purchase of unprocessed chicken raised without antibiotics.
This effort marks a significant milestone for school lunch and adds to a track record of innovative initiatives for improving school food in one the nation’s third-largest school district.
Shoesmith students enjoy a healthy school meal!
We were happy to see local and national press bring attention to this milestone!
WIRED writer Mary McKenna said, “the Chicago schools’ announcement of their willingness to buy antibiotic-free meat isn’t just newsworthy; it’s a major step in protecting their students, students’ families, and the rest of society as well.”
The Hill commended the announcement as “a major win for public health advocates who have been warning about the rising threat of antibiotic resistance.”
Chicago Tribune’s Monica Eng said the effort “represents an important step toward meeting upcoming government guidelines calling for a reduction of processed foods and sodium in school meals.”
Medill News observes that “the new menu offering marks a major step in the campaign to improve lunchtime options for students throughout the country.”
Check out ABC 7’s coverage of the announcement below.