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December 18, 2012


Linda Gibbons

I am disappointed that the excellent school nurses who provide the health services and who will be teaching the parents about asthma and inhalers were not even mentioned. Also, the preliminary work that HSC did through the School Nurse Leadership Program was completely left out.

Mark Bishop

Linda, you know how much HSC values the work of school nurses; through our Leadership Program, we've trained nearly 100 Chicago school nurses in taking actions to be health leaders in their schools. In our conversations with Dr. Whyte, we’ve learned that she deeply understands the important need for school nurses to be part of the solution for healthier students. However, this particular interview was focused less on school nursing and delivery of specific health services and programs, and more on the exciting news that CPS has created a new Office of Student Health and Wellness and received a $4.4 million Community Transformation Grant. We're excited that we're one of the partners with CPS on their CTG. When we create a parent engagement toolkit as part of this grant, there will be no question that school nurses will be an important focus of how parents can connect with their school. Linda, you have been a key leader and partner in raising awareness of the incredibly important role school nurses play in student health, and you can be assured that we will continue to focus on the importance of school nurses in all the work work we do.

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