by Mark Bishop
Ann Cooper got it right on when she wrote this in the Washington Post the other day:
The truth is that this $1 billion per year increase is the largest increase in history of the child nutrition programs. This is a huge step forward. But we need to see this as the floor for our efforts, not a ceiling.The administration has proposed an additional $1 billion per year for child nutrition in its fiscal 2011 budget. At first blush, given the state of the economy and the president's call for a three-year freeze on discretionary spending, this might seem like a win... But the truth is that $1 billion is a far cry from what's needed to get good food into schools. In fact, $1 billion for child nutrition per year translates to mere pennies for every school lunch. That's not even what it costs me to put a fresh apple on each lunch tray.
So what do to? Should we defend the proposed increase or advocate for the higher amount that we believe schools really need? Does asking for more than $1 billion put all the funding at risk, or does it give you a better chance of ensuring that schools get at least that much?The first side clearly sees that the $1 billion is not enough. According to the School Nutrition Association, schools are already losing an average of 35 cents for every meal they serve due to increases in food and overhead costs. So this side points out that increasing the funding by $1 billion may only cover ten to twenty cents of this existing shortfall for many schools. In some schools this money could truly mean the difference between serving whole grains or not, between additional fresh fruit or not -- but in many schools it could only be the difference between a school losing more money or losing less money. While this is very important, it's not the school food revolution that will create the far-reaching change we need.The second side emphasizes that $1 billion is the largest increase ever proposed for this program and that schools desperately need this funding, even if it's not adequate to make sweeping reforms to the food program. This side sees the need to hunker down to make sure we get at least what's currently proposed in the budget. In this economy, competition for every penny in Congress is fierce. We need to defend every dollar that gets allocated for school nutrition programs. And there is a concern that fighting for more would mean taking energy and resources away from the current effort to find at least the $1 billion for the proposed budget.
If you believe in voicing support for the proposed $1 billion, contact your legislators. If you believe in asking for $5 billion, contact your legislators.
We need every voice asking our legislators for increased funding for good food in schools. Ask for $5 billion, ask for $1 billion, ask for $1 per meal. Right now, the specifics matter less than the fact that you are telling Congress that school food funding must be a priority. We need our elected officials and administration staffers looking at budgets to find every dollar that can be allocated to children's health.
We need our legislators to hear voice after voice speaking up to say that child nutrition is important. Our elected leaders need to know that school food is a priority for the people they represent.
This is the moment to ask. So pick up the phone, send a letter, and let Congress know that increased funding for better school food is an investment in our health, in our food system, and in our future. You have to decide how much that is worth.
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